Italvolt's Gigafactory
We are building Italy’s first “Gigafactory”, a state-of-the-art facility to satisfy rapidly growing demand for lithium-ion cells for electric vehicles, industrial equipment, grid battery storage and other applications. Scheduled to open in 2025, the Italvolt site will cover more than 300,000 m2, is expected to employ around 3,000 people and have a production capacity of up to 45 GWh per year, making it one of the largest factories of its kind in the world.
It will also be one of the most advanced. By using sustainable raw materials, renewable energy and innovative recycling systems, we will minimise our carbon footprint. The 20,000 m2 centre will provide extensive facilities to support R&D and technical innovation. Working with leading academic and industrial partners the site will also facilitate knowledge transfer and training for employees and others. What’s more, some areas of the site will be open to the community, providing public spaces, parks, childcare facilities and more.

Investing in Italy
Italvolt has made a strategic decision to locate its battery cell factory in Italy, the country where Alessandro Volta invented the battery in 1800. Today, Italy holds significant opportunity for the modern battery industry, with its strategic location and highly skilled workforce.
Italy has a rich industrial heritage, especially as a hub of Europe’s automotive industry, offering access to a large, skilled workforce. The country’s geographical position offers access to key global markets, sitting at a strategic intersection of the east-west and north-south Mediterranean corridors.
Italvolt intends to honour Italy’s important industrial legacy by supporting the country’s green industrialisation ambitions, and by delivering battery cells which will help drive decarbonisation across a variety of industries.
Italvolt’s 45GWh battery plant will be the Italy’s largest, independent, battery cell factory. The battery cell factory will focus on creating new opportunities for re-skilling and upskilling workers from Italy’s automotive industry.
Italvolt will seek to create new centres of excellence based on advanced engineering and will focus on re-establishing Italy as a leading force in the modern industrial era, while supporting the wider transition to sustainable, battery powered solutions.
Thanks to its modular design, our Gigafactory will have the flexibility to respond rapidly to innovations in R&D. We will tailor our technology to our customers’ requirements, developing and delivering cells as an integrated part of the supply chain to ensure the most efficient manufacturing process.
Our production lines will be capable of producing large volumes of next-generation lithium-ion cells in three main formats: pouch, prismatic (or ‘blade’) and cylindrical, providing cell technology for a host of applications, from electric vehicles to industrial machinery, utility scale storage and more.

We are building one of the Europe's largest Gigafactories.

A virtuous circle for people and the planet
Italvolt is founded on a powerful set of interconnected values: Innovation, Sustainability and Regeneration. Practical principles for action, they collectively provide the catalyst for positive change for our business, industry and local community.

Team and Board

Partners and Suppliers
For Italvolt, recycling is not an afterthought. It is a guiding principle, embedded into everything we do, from the initial design through to the recovery of used cells for recycling. Our process includes the reprocessing of waste material created during the production process, ensuring the highest possible manufacturing efficiency for the least environmental impact.
Our process is aligned with the recommendations of the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan. We intend to achieve full compliance with the guidance as soon as possible.